Saturday, July 9, 2011

My little Engineer!

Josh loves trains, He has a train table, but this was his own creation on the floor! He is so sweet. He takes trains everywhere with him, to church, to take a bath, I think he has even taken them to bed, but he always puts them on his dresser when he goes to sleep. He is such a joy to our family!

Friday, July 1, 2011

I'm soo proud of her! She received the Presidential award for being on the Honor roll all 8 semesters of Middle School and scoring above the 85% on the MEAs. (standardized tests) She is all ready for High School! hehe not really! She will do just fine. She's in Honors Bio,H. Eng, H. Algebra and H. Geography, Spanish, and Health. Packed schedule but she can handle it! :)

Lexi's 8th grade Dance. She was so breathtaking! I hate it! ;) She had a really good time. They met at the park and had pictures and then she went with some friends on a limo bus around town. She said she had fun at the dance but they were all really hot! I'm proud of her for her choice in dress, and that she let me do her hair, it means a lot to me that she still wants me to do that kind of stuff for her.

Watching crazy videos the kids make on the laptop. They distort the voices so it sounds funny, Josh gets a kick out of them. I love my family, they are so precious to me! I think this is what heaven is going to be like. Happiness and lots of smiles!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Getting ready for Church! I'm missing Nate, and Ray! But here are some of them! I thought Lexi looked really cute in that dress so I had to get a pic before she didn't want to wear it anymore! Such cute kiddos!

June 2011

This was a fun Primary activity they had! The Gilliams put it on for the kids, they had a great time! Josh was playing on the swings for most of the time... I wish I had grabbed my camera earlier, he was so cute! Nate had a great time too, they had a bouncy house and he loved it! It was fun for the adults too! We got to sit around and chat with each other. :)

Friday, February 25, 2011

A new leaf

So, I am stealing this idea from a friend of mine because journalling is boring to me but I figure if I incorporate photos with my "journalling" it will be more exciting to me! Thanks Krista for this idea!

Her concept was to not forget the "little things". Josh is now 3 and there are sooo many cute things that he has done, and I am sure I will forget!

When he was a baby he wheezed, of course we thought it was adorable, the doctors thought it was a problem, so needless to say he had many tests run to find out why he was wheezing. They didn't find anything, and he soon outgrew it... sadly. :)

Maybe I will start with recent things.

Josh LOVES to read books and is now "reading" them to us~! It is so cute! You can pick out some words in the sentences, and of course the last word of each line is said very clearly.

He has his routine, so when I say, "ok time for nigh night" he says, "of course we read books!" and books it for the stairs. We go potty, read and then as soon as I say the last word of the book he slides off daddy's side of the bed (farthest away from his room) and I grab is blanket and catch me a "dinosaur!" Then we go into his room and sing "let me call you sweetheart" sometimes it's a mommy solo and sometimes it's a Joshie solo and sometimes it's a duet! I then put him in the crib, cover him with his blankie (that Zan made for him!) and he says "hugs and kisses" so I bend down and give him squeezes and kisses and then he says" bye mommy, love you! I love him so much!

Martin age 4, when I would video tape Lexi as a baby he would jump around and say "see Martin, See Martin!"

Nathan age 2-3 ish use to say "drinky, drinky" when he was thirsty.

Lexi age 2 use to do this cute pose thing with her hands up in the air when I wanted to take her picture.