Thursday, January 24, 2013

June 2009


 Martin and PJ hit it off pretty good, they became fast friends!
 Lexi's phtopgraphy skills! :)

 The campground and Lexi and her Bestie, Wendy.
 Faith and Wendy, and the rest of the youth!
They had a really great time at YC this year! They started many new friendships that have lasted for years now, and they always look forward to YC, GC and stake activities to see their friends!

I had to throw this in here because he wears a completely different face most of the time now when he is doing school work! ;) But with that being said as I type this he is in his LAST SEMESTER of didactic learning! Then he just has the internships to do! The end is in sight!!! FINALLY! YAY!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

June 2009

Random pictures of the kiddos, that I couldn't pass up putting on here!
I'm sure it's is because he is my baby but it is hard to NOT like his or any of my kids pictures!

You can see he is in a larger basket, and then decides it is time to sit in a shoe box that is obviously too small! But he is determined! hehe

This is Josh playing hide and seek. This was his favorite spot to hide.

Rare moments of Josh and Nate cuddling!

I named this one Nate Potato! hehe 

Friday, January 18, 2013

More June fun 2009!

 This is Joshua's first trip to a beach! We went to Sunset Beach in Smithfield. He wasn't too sure about the sand at first, but then he got use to it, he doesn't really like to play in it even today, but he tolerates it, because he loves the water! 

 In this last picture he spotted the kids out on the trampoline on the lake!
He did a lot of exploring, and thinking! There has been so many times in my children's lives that I wish they had Renesmes gift so they could "show" me what they were thinking!
He tried out the helicopter and the spider-man car, he didn't really enjoy the merry go round either, but in years to come, these are his favorite part!
Nathan enjoyed the merry go round! All of my kiddos love the water! They would love to live on a beach!

I wish I remembered what Josh was doing in this bottom picture! It looks like he is trying to use his foot as a phone! :) Lexi is so good with Josh and Nate for that matter! 
A fun day at the lake!

June 2009 Lexi's 6th Grade graduation.

She looked so beautiful!

We are so proud of her, she is a really good student!

I am so proud of her, and the young woman she is becoming. She is the sweetest sister, and the best daughter! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

May 2009

These are just random  May cutenesses!


Don't miss the drool dripping off his lip... Nate and Josh were my droolers! :)

He has a way of wearing everyone out! :)

Being cute, This is a princess doll bed Ray made for her. It is constructed well!

Working on a project for school, I think it is some sort of teepee hut.

The finished product!

Georgeous darling!

Yeah... these are the kind of pictures I have of Nate! lol

Dude's Softball! I love softball!

Who's on first? Lexi!

Stealing Second!

Made it to third!

Looks like she stole HOME! Woohoo!

Nice pose for the score!

Okay so I really don't look at the back of my hair when I put it up like this, but I think it looks really good in this picture! I wonder if it always looks like that or if it is a fluke?

2 months down in one morning!! Not bad! I have noticed I don't take pictures as much as I use to.. need to get back in the habit. :) I love looking back at them!

April 2009... Yeah I know it was a long time ago!

So... I told you I was a horrid scrapbooker... and journal writer... and apparently now a horrid blogger! Well in my defense I have been in college, so I am hoping to catch up now and be at least a once a monther! That is my new goal! (again!) hehe.

We went to Massachusetts to visit my Sister in law Tara and her family and this is Martin and Josh walking to the park.

This is the kids uncle Nick posing with a flower in his hair! lol

Here are all the crazy kiddos! (left to right) Nate, Courtney, Lexi, Nick, Haley, Josh, Martin.

Sleeping beauty!

Tree climbing. Wow they have grown up since then!

Swing time!

More swinging! He never really liked to swing that much! It's ironic that we now have a swing in our family room! o_0

As you can see here!

Can you find the monkeys? ;)

So excited to get the ball while playing catch!

Attempting to throw the ball! Too cute!

Taking a break.

Say what? hehe

Busy day!

A beautiful way to end a fun day at the park!

Some random cute pictures from April!

Fun with Daddy!


Not just for babies! ;)

We can see how Josh felt about Nate popping his bubbles! hehe

This is the best picture of her with her violin! It is difficult to take good pictures of concerts!

Sixth grade Spring concert choir!

Phew! That was all of April.. so I guess I didn't take any photos from January to March! :/