Sunday, January 27, 2008

Joshua's blessing!

So this was the big day! My mom came out from Utah to meet Joshua and help me out during my recovery (ok more to meet Josh then for me! ;) ) What a blessing it is that Ray was able to give him his name and blessing! To have a worthy Priesthood holder in our home. It was a great day! He looked so cute in his little suspender pants ( although you can tell, they are suspenders!) Of course he cried alittle at the end but the blessing was beautiful. Martin and Lexi are such a big help! Nathan doesn't quite know what to do with him yet, but I think it will change when he becomes more interactive. I am greatful that my mom was able to come out and be with us. I can't believe how hard it was to see her go... now I'm homesick..ugh!


Matilda said...


SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Seriously makes me teary! The kids...the ones I know ;)...are SO BIG!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the one of just the kids! SO SWEET!!!

I'm SO glad your mom got to come out too!!!

So when are you coming back?!?!?! ;)

Tori said...

umm... Im not sure, maybe for Christmas time. I think my mom and sister and the boys are coming here in the summer, I HOPE! =)

Matilda said...

I meant forever...and that SO doesn't work for me...for them to come to you!

At least now I can check in...

YAY for Tori's blog!!